I have the greatest hopes for you. I want you both to be more successful than me and to have the lives that you want. I'll be there to lead you to make the best decisions you can, and to give you advice and help you when your in a rut. Nothing in life is going to be easy and I'm sure there will be plenty of obstacles and suffering. But remember suffering is pain that hasn't found it's meaning.
All of the previous letters were written for Ethan, but they will apply to you too. We are so happy and excited to have you in our lives! When I started this blog I had no idea that you were coming. I'll try and write special letters just for you and some just for Ethan, but mainly they will be for the both of you.
So your little brother was born back in October and you
have done a fantastic job of being a big brother so far. You were very
excited for him to arrive but Mom and I didn't know if the baby was
going to be a boy or a girl. You had your heart set on a little sister,
but you seem very happy that it turned out to be a little brother.