Every night before I go to sleep I come in and check on you. You have usually been asleep for a while and you're completely out. I stand there and think about where we have been and where we are going. I so look forward to the days when we go camping together and fishing and hopefully soon, flying together. I also can't wait to play a game of catch with you, that's why my old glove is in your room.
Every night before I go to sleep I come in and check on you. You have usually been asleep for a while and you're completely out. I stand there and think about where we have been and where we are going. I so look forward to the days when we go camping together and fishing and hopefully soon, flying together. I also can't wait to play a game of catch with you, that's why my old glove is in your room.
When I was growing up I played baseball for a season. I loved it. I had more fun playing baseball than I did soccer, but it just lasted one season. Looking back on it now I think a reason I played one season was because the coach said I needed some practice catching and throwing. Your Uncles weren't interested in helping me and your grandfather was either too busy or just not willing to help. So for a few days your grandmother and I played catch.
The coach asked how my practice was going and I was too embarrassed to tell him who my partner was, so I just said "Ok" Let's face it mothers and sons are not supposed to play catch. I felt like the pariah of the team, and any other team I joined would be the same. I learned too late that it's not who people think you are that matters, it's who you know you are. Keep your glove open and your eye on the ball.
Aw, I can't wait for catch, too. Time flies along at an incredible clip. I love the letters idea, I'm just not very good at keeping up with it.