I have been reading a book on Jewish holidays and traditions and I wanted to write to you about the importance of traditions. Traditions help to define your life, remind you who you are and where you come from. A birthday celebration is a tradition where people who love you, celebrate you coming into their lives. One of my favorite traditions growing up was when we celebrated Thanksgiving. I was not born in America but your grandmother and grandpa Sol brought the family here from Rhodesia, now called Zimbabwe, when I was four. I am a first generation immigrant.
As I look back now I understand the sacrifices that were made so that my family could have the life that we have. It was difficult, we did not always have new clothes or toys, and your Uncle and I were sometimes made fun of because we spoke differently than other kids. Eventually your great grandmother and great grandfather came to the States, as well as a myriad of step-brothers, step-sisters, aunts and uncles and cousins. Many of us would gather, usually at our house, on Thanksgiving Day and give thanks to some special people for helping us come to this great country. A. Barnes, and B.Owen were two of the people responsible for helping grandpa Sol get started in Texas.
The early years of our Thanksgiving tradition were always special but as we grew older and many of the family moved further away, we began to lose sight of the importance of our Thanksgiving tradition. The last few Thanksgivings just seem to be reasons for the family to get together and the importance of why our family gives thanks seems to have fallen by the way side. This year will be different. For you, I will remind everyone why we are here and the importance of the holiday. Thanksgiving isn't the only tradition though. As you grow up there will be more traditions, some old and some that we create just for us.
I didn't know you came from Rhodesia! Family and tradition are important to me, too, though I wouldn't have thought so when I knew you 100 years ago.